Leo Rex, a popular social media figure and YouTuber, has died under mysterious circumstances. His body was discovered inside an apartment in Pattaya, a city in Thailand. He ran the famous YouTube channel, Leo and Longevity.
Leo considered himself a “masculinity biohacker”. He made videos on bodybuilding, experimental health supplements, steroids and his experience taking different drugs like psychedelics. Some of his most popular videos were about his journey towards growing a “supraphysiological” penis.
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Death of Rex under Strange Circumstances
Rex was found dead mysteriously on Monday. His body was discovered by his friend as he broke into his apartment after his long absence. Additionally, investigations have estimated that he had already been dead for five hours before his body was found. However, the cause of his dead is still unknown.
The latest update on the case given by Pattaya’s police chief stated that Rex’s apartment appeared to have been ransacked with items scattered across the bedroom. The police will be investigating with the security staff starting with the security footage and conducting interviews. Moreover, Pattaya’s police department is also interrogating the YouTuber’s friend and the woman he was living with before his death.
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The 34-year-old influencer has been under a lot of controversies recently. From his disputed penis enlargement videos to his troubled marriage with Lucie Colombo, Rex’s name constantly pop up on social media. Colombo accused him of “abusive behaviour” and consumption of drugs and alcohol. Later, She also reportedly said that Rex became even more abusive when she got pregnant.
Rex’s YouTube channel had a subscriber base of 123,000 subscribers, while many of his videos reached views as high as half a million. Most of his videos were based on bogus science and had to be posted with disclaimers. However, there is no denying that Rex had a larger influencer circle and his death has stirred debates over social media.