Actor Kriti Sanon, who was close friend of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has said on Thursday that she prays that the truth pertaining to his case comes out soon. She also said that she wants the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe the case, in a post on social media.
Taking to her Instagram stories, Kriti wrote, “I pray that the Truth comes out soon. His family, his friends, fans and all loved ones deserve this closure. I hope and pray that the CBI takes over the case so it’s investigated without any political agendas, in the TRUE sense, to provide justice to the family!! Its high time his soul rests in peace! #cbiForssR #SushantSinghRaiput.”
Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide on June 14 in his Bandra residence. The case was being investigated by Mumbai Police before his father KK Singh filed a complaint with the Bihar Police against actor Rhea Chakraborty and six others for allegedly abetting his suicide.
Subsequently, Rhea filed a plea in the Supreme Court seeking the transfer of the probe from Patna to Mumbai. In his reply to the Supreme court on Thursday, Sushant’s father urged the court to transfer the case to the CBI.
People across India, including celebrities and politicians have demanded a CBI probe into the case.