Jocelyn Wildenstein, the Swiss-born socialite widely known as Catwoman due to her distinctive feline features, recently claimed to be broke ahead of an upcoming HBO documentary about her life. The 82-year-old former billionaire gained notoriety in the 1990s as a result of her highly publicized divorce from her art dealer husband, Alec Wildenstein, which awarded her an astounding $2.5 billion settlement.

However, she asserts that the annual $100 million payments have ceased, leaving her with no income for the past eight years. As people eagerly await the release of the documentary, let’s delve into Jocelyn Wildenstein’s net worth, age, relationship, career, family, and more.

Net Worth

In the past, Jocelyn Wildenstein’s projected net worth was estimated to be $500 million. However, as of 2023, that figure is expected to have significantly dropped to just $10 million, according to Freshers Live. The decline is primarily attributed to the discontinuation of the $100 million annual divorce settlement she had been receiving from her late ex-husband’s family.


Jocelyn Wildenstein was born on September 7, 1945, making her 82 years old as of 2023.

Relationship and Divorce

Wildenstein gained worldwide attention in the 1990s due to her highly publicized divorce from her art dealer husband, Alec Wildenstein. The divorce settlement awarded her an astonishing $2.5 billion, along with an additional $100 million per year. Unfortunately, she claims that the annual payments ceased in 2015 after her former husband’s death in 2008. The divorce was sparked by Alec’s public infidelity, which Jocelyn found unbearable. The couple officially ended their 20-year marriage in 1999.

Also read | Who was Alec Wildenstein, former husband of ‘Catwoman’ Jocelyn Wildenstein?


While specific details about Jocelyn Wildenstein’s professional career are not provided, her association with high society and her public persona have made her a recognizable figure.


Jocelyn Wildenstein prefers to keep her family details private, and thus, information regarding her family is not readily available.

Infamous Plastic Surgery and Documentary

Jocelyn Wildenstein’s personal life, including her highly publicized divorce and her controversial plastic surgery, has been subject to intense public scrutiny. In response to this, she has decided to release an HBO documentary that aims to tell her story in her own voice. The documentary serves as her reply to the public, according to her longtime partner, French-Canadian designer Lloyd Klein. He also expressed his aspirations for a movie series depicting Wildenstein’s life, envisioning Jennifer Lawrence playing a young Jocelyn and Rami Malek portraying Alec Wildenstein.

Despite the rumors surrounding her plastic surgery, Jocelyn Wildenstein maintains that she never betrayed her former husband. She alleges that Alec fabricated the surgery rumors to gain an advantage during their divorce proceedings.

Also read | Who is Lloyd Klein, former boyfriend of ‘Catwoman’ Jocelyn Wildenstein?

Jocelyn Wildenstein’s net worth has significantly declined, and she claims to have had no income for the past eight years. As her documentary approaches, it promises to shed light on her life and address the public scrutiny she has faced throughout her tumultuous journey.