Sanjay Gupta’s ‘Mumbai Saga’ starring John Abraham, Emraan Hashmi and Kajal Agarwal has finally made its way on the silver screen on Friday and the movie has started creating buzz on social media within a few hours of its release. While some are heaping praises for Emraan’s brilliant dialogue delivery, many are loving John Abraham’s power-packed action. All in all, the film has attracted positive reactions from the Twitter film review squad.
See how netizens are loving Mumbai Saga.
Based on the life
of a common man-turned-gangster of Amartya Ro (played by John Abraham), Mumbai Saga revolves around the
brutal gang wars and all the lines Rao crossed to rule Mumbai’s underworld.
However, his fame takes an unexpected turn when Inspector Vijay Savarkar (Emraan Hashmi) vows to
arrest Rao and put an end to all the lawlessness he created.
Full of feuds and
typical Bollywood face-offs and the powerful one liners , Mumbai Saga is a film
with high voltage drama, action and thrill.