Actor Shilpa Shetty’s businessman husband Raj Kundra has been arrested by Mumbai Police for allegedly producing and selling movies through his apps. Soon after his arrest, several people, including Poonam Pandey and Sheryln Chopra spoke against him. In a new development, actor Urvashi Sharma’s husband, actor Sachiin Jjoshi has won a legal battle against Raj and Shilpa’s former company, Satyug Gold.
Also Read: Will survive challenges: Shilpa Shetty in first post after Raj Kundra’s arrest
In January this year, Sachin had filed a case against ‘Satyug Gold’ for alleged fraudulent representation and non-receipt of gold after six years of making the payment, reports DNA.
The court has now directed Satyug Gold to hand over Joshi’s gold to him and also pay him a sum of Rs 3,00,000 as a cost towards legal proceedings.
“My legal battle was merely a representation of many of the investors of Satyug Gold who have invested in the gold scheme at a discounted rate, only to never receive the gold,” Jjoshi told mediapersons.
He added, “I was asked to pay Rs 25 lakh to collect Rs 18,57,870 gold after six years of my hard-earned money lying with a company. Imagine the state of the common man who must have invested believing a celebrity who endorsed a company as its Chairman!”
Also Read: Raj Kundra a ‘key conspirator’ in porn case, say cops. Next, legal challenges
He also said that “ a lot of mudslinging happened on us, where we were expected to pay 25 lakh on an 18,57,870 lakh gold purchase.”
“ The case turned when they were asked to hand over the gold and they ended up purchasing it from Anmol Jewellers and attaching the bill. Which by default means that there was no question of storage charges as there was no gold with Kundra and Satyug Gold in the first place. And, these so-called ‘false and baseless allegations’ by us came true. At Satyug Gold, they were so busy fulfilling orders of each and every client that they forgot mine.”
Sachiin also said that now that he has got his gold and fine, he is happy that karma has caught up with Raj Kundra.
“We got our 1 kg gold and 3 lakh of fine that they had to pay us for making us go through this legal process where they were at fault since the very beginning and yes about the cheque bounce case, we will win that too as it was stopped not bounced as we didn’t see any transparency in their dealings. I am glad karma finally caught up with Kundra,” he concluded.
A day after Kundra’s arrest, Urvashi has shared a cryptic post on her Instagram story with the caption, “Karma never misses your address”.
Also Read: In Raj Kundra case, Crime Branch recovers 70 videos shot by his ex PA: Report
Shilpa also addressed the allegation in the past and said that it is “completely false and baseless.”
“ At Satyug Gold, each and every client’s orders have been fulfilled in time. We have even deposited 1 kg gold for which Sachiin Joshi is yet to pay the demurrage charges legally applicable. Not many know, we also have a cheque bouncing case in court against this serial defaulter,” she said.
Raj Kundra has been sent to judicial custody till July 23.