Sanjay Dutt is celebrating his 61st birthday on Wednesday and as a treat to his fans, the actor released his first look of his upcoming film ‘KGF: Chapter 2’. The film happens to be one of the most awaited movies of the year.
Taking to Instagram, Sanjay shared the look of his character Adheera, and wrote, “It’s been a pleasure working on this film and I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday gift. Thank you @prashanthneel, @karthik_krg, @thenameisyash, @vkiragandur, #Deepak, #Lithika, #Pradeep & the entire team of KGF. Special thanks to all my fans who have always showered me with their love and support! #KGFChapter2 #AdheeraFirstLook”.
In the photo, Sanjay is seen sporting tattoos on the left side of his head and face. His dark look is enhanced by beard, mustache and braided hair. The look incites fear as the actor is seen holding what seems to be a metal sceptre.
On July 27, the 61-year-old actor had teased about this revelation. Sharing an image of the said sceptre on Instagram, he wrote, “‘Unveiling The Brutality’ On July 29th at 10 AM.”
Starring Kannada actor Yash as Rocky, the protagonist, the action thriller is set to release on October 23 this year. The film is a sequel to 2018 movie KGF: Chapter 1, and is currently in its post production stage.