Kourtney Kardashian announced her pregnancy at a Blink-182 concert in Los Angeles on Friday. The 44-year-old held up a black-and-white sign reading ‘Travis I am pregnant’. The 47-year-old Blink-182’s drummer walked over to his wife and gave her a big hug. The video of the announcement has gone viral on social media, with people congratulating the couple.

“fyi kourtney announced she’s pregnant with a Travis im pregnant sign bcos someone was holding one in the all the small things video, nah this is adorable I’m obsessed,” one person tweeted.

“so happy for kourtney like she found the love of her life and having a child at 44 i love that for her,” another person wrote.

Kardashian and Barker tied the knot in May 2022, a year after going public with their relationship. They got married in an intimate wedding in Italy in the presence of close friends and family.

In Season 3 of “The Kardashians,” the 44-year-old revealed that they had stopped trying IVF.

“We are officially done with IVF (in vitro fertilization). We would love a baby more than anything, but I really believe in what God has in store for us. If that’s a baby, I believe it will happen,” she said in the episode.