Manju Pavagada has won Bigg Boss Kannada season 8. He took home the BB trophy and also a cash prize of Rs 53 lakhs. Manju, who gained popularity through Kannada comedy show Majaa Bharatha, was often referred to as the “true entertainer” of the season.
However, despite this, he had a roller coaster ride. He got into argument and fights with some of the housemates and always took a stand for himself and his close friends in the house. His link-up with co-contestant Divya Suresh also create quite a buzz as the two remained each other’s support system throughout the season.
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Meanwhile, this season premiered on February 28, 2021, but was suspended on May 8 due the COVID pandemic. The Kiccha Sudeep-hosted show continued from June 23 and the finale was held on August 8.
Aravind KP, Prashanth Sambargi, Vaishnavi Gowda, Manju Pavagada and Divya Uruduga were the five contestants who made it to the finale week. Aravind, Divya, and Manju emerged as the top three contestants of the season after Prashanth and Vaishnavi got eliminated on Saturday.
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The finale episode had some amazing performance by Priyanka Thimmesh, Shamanth Gowda and Vishwanath Haveri. Evicted contestants Priyanka Thimmesh And Shamanth also set the stage on fire with their performances.
Singer Raghu Dixit made a surprise entry and wished the finalists before singing the very first song he composed for Sudeep for his movie.
Divya was the first person to get eliminated on Sunday, securing the third place. Following this, the journey videos of the top were played. Manju was announced the winner of the season, with Arvind becoming the runner up.
According to reports, Vaishnavi took home a cash prize of 3.5 lakhs, Divya won 6 lakhs while Arvind won 11 lakhs.