Designer Masaba Gupta, who made her acting debut with a Netflix show in 2020, on Friday shared an unseen throwback photo of her father former West Indies cricketer Vivian Richards’ and mother Neena Gupta. Along with her parents photo, she also shared a photo of her grandparents and captioned them, “My world. My blood.”
In one pictures, baby Masaba can be seen in her mom’s lap while her cricketer dad Vivian sits beside her. The designer was born when Neena dated the former cricketer but the two never got married. Neena raised Masaba as a single mother.
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The ‘Badhaai Ho’ actor Neena looks beautiful in a white sari with well-defined, red borders and a red bindi in the photo and Vivian can be seen casually dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. The post was flooded with comments from fans as well as their industry friends.
Masaba, on several occasions, has talked about her relationship with her father and how she was bullied because of her colour and roots. She is a successful fashion designer and made her acting debut recently with ‘Masaba Masaba’.
The designer-actor recently shared a post about how one must keep their “chin up” when asked about their colour or race. She has stood up to body shaming and trolls and addressed the issue on her social media with a grit.