South superstar Nayanthara turned 37 on Thursday and she celebrated the day with her fiance and filmmaker Vignesh Shivan. Videos from the celebrations, going the rounds on social media, showed the actor cutting her birthday cake. In the videos, Nayanthara looks surprised after seeing the cake and gives Shivan a tight hug. While Nayanthara looks beautiful in a yellow top and blue jeans, Vignesh can be seen dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans.
See videos from the birthday celebration –
Also Read: Rajinikanth’s ‘Annaatthe’ to release in over 1,100 theatres worldwide
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan reportedly fell in love while shooting for the 2015 film Naanum Rowdydhaan. On the occasion of his lady love’s birthday, the filmmaker shared her new look poster from his upcoming film ‘Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaadhal.’
“Happy birthday Kanmani, thangameyy and my ellamaeyyyy. Life with you is full of love and affection to perfection. May God bless you to remain as beautiful as you are forever!” he wrote.
Directed by Vignesh, the movie also stars Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Vijay Sethupathi in lead roles. Samantha, who was also present at the birthday celebration, posted pictures from the celebration and penned a note for Nayanthara.
“She came. She saw. She dared. She dreamed. She performed and she conquered!! Happy birthday Nayan. #happybirthdaynayanthara #queen #kaathuvaakularendukaadhal (sic),” she wrote.
Meanwhile, Nayanthara has reunited with ‘Maya’ director Ashwin Saravanan for a horror film titled Connect. On the occasion of her birthday, the title and the first-look posters of the movie were unveiled.
Sharing the posters, Rowdy Pictures wrote, “Here’s the announcement you’ve been waiting for! Presenting to you the first look of #Connect on this very special day #HBDNayanthara #Connect #ConnectFirstLook @VigneshShivn @AnupamPKher #Sathyaraj @Ashwin_saravana (sic).”
Apart from Nayanthara, the movie also stars Anupam Kher and Sathyaraj in pivotal roles.
Also Read: SRK to pair up with Nayanthara in his upcoming film? Reports say so
Nayanthara was last seen in ‘Annaatthe’ alongside Rajinikanth.