Veteran Bollywood actor Neetu Kapoor exudes positivity and conviction in all the roles she played both on and off camera. From being an effortless actor, and loving mother and grandmother, to being a caring wife to late Rishi Kapoor, she has mastered all her responsibilities with utmost grace and sincerity.
When she was six years old, the actor made her cinematic debut in the Prakash Rao-directed ‘Suraj,’ and then went on to play a dual part in the romantic comedy ‘Do Kaliyaan.’ With the vigilante film ‘Rickshawala,’ she began her shift to mature roles, but her breakthrough came in 1973 with Nasir Hussain’s masala film ‘Yaadon Ki Baaraat.’
Her performances in the 1979 disaster film ‘Kaala Patthar’ and the 1981 musical film Yaarana earned her many praises, and for the former, she was even nominated for the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress.
She took a break from acting after her marriage to Rishi Kapoor in 1980, with her last film being the 1983-released thriller ‘Ganga Meri Maa.’ She denied claims that this was due to the “Kapoor tradition” prohibiting women from acting in films, saying she made a personal decision to focus on her family after working consistently for a long time.
Ridhima, their first child, was born in September of 1980, while Neetu gave birth to their son Ranbir in 1982.
She had a loving relationship with her late-life partner Rishi, which even translated to the big screen. She and Rishi became a prominent on-screen couple and gave hits like ‘Rafoo Chakkar’ and ‘Khel Khel Mein’.
The romantic drama ‘Kabhi Kabhie’ — which was one of the most acclaimed films of that time and continues to be remembered today for its soundtrack by Khayyam and Sahir Ludhianvi — paired her with Rishi Kapoor again. Media reports say it was during the making of this film that they became romantically involved off-screen.
“It has always been Neetu who has made all the efforts, I have always been a difficult man. Every relationship goes through such turmoils but eventually comes out of it, our relationship was no different. I was being very difficult then, but Neetu absorbed all the shocks I gave her really well. And held onto me,” Rishi had said in an interview.
Despite their marriage’s ups and downs, the pair always had each other’s backs and stood by each other through thick and thin.
In 2018, Rishi was diagnosed with cancer, and the pair relocated to New York. The stalwart died on April 30 in Mumbai after a two-year battle with cancer.
In her Instagram posts, Neetu Kapoor frequently mentions Rishi. She borrowed a few lines from Phil Park and Harry Parr-Davies’ song ‘Wish Me Luck’, a month after Rishi had died and wrote, “Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye. Cheerio, here I go on my way. With a cheer, not a tear, in your eye. Give me a smile, I can keep for a while. In my heart, while I’m away.”
Neetu Kapoor stayed by Rishi’s side like a rock during his difficult moments. The two formed a strong link of love and affection, providing fans and followers with picture-perfect relationship goals.
She has been a pillar of strength for her family since Rishi passed away. Although she lost the love of her life, Kapoor is a testament to the fact that life does go on, and so do the people.