Nusrat Jahan gave birth to a baby son on Thursday. However, the actor and Trinamool Congress MP, who is reportedly in a live-in relationship with actor Yash Dasgupta since 2020, has refused to divulge the name of her baby’s father.
Also Read: Nikhil Jain reacts as estranged wife Nusrat Jahan delivers baby boy
After her child’s birth, single mothers of Kolkata have come out in her support of her. Visual artist Elena Banik, who got divorced from her husband in 2003, told Times of India, “I was in a relationship, but we couldn’t get married. I miscarried in 2010 after conceiving my first child.”
Also Read: Who is Yash Dasgupta?
Alina further said that due to medical restrictions, she doesn’t venture out of the house much.
“Being a bit superstitious, I didn’t want to reveal my pregnancy. I didn’t need to mention the father’s name in the hospital, but I faced some issues while getting my daughter admitted to school,” she said.
Also Read: Nusrat Jahan, actor-turned TMC MP, blessed with a baby boy
Alina is a single mother and lives with her daughter. She hasn’t made the father’s identity public but her daughter knows who he is.
Director Anindita Sarbadhikari too embraced motherhood through IVF eight years ago and is currently a single mother. She cited the example of Sawan Sen, Associate Professor of Engineering College who became a single mother in 2015.
Sarbadhikari said that a mother has the right to not disclose the name of the father of her child if she so chooses. “Being in the media limelight, living life as a single mother is not so difficult for us. Being an MP, it should be easy for Nusrat to ignore the criticisms coming her way,” she said.
She, however, added that for ordinary women who are not under constant media coverage, making such a decision is far more challenging.
Nusrat was previously married to business man Nikhil Jain. They tied the knot in Turkey in 2019. However, earlier this year, Nusrat alleged that their marriage was invalid as per the Indian laws. She also accused Nikhil of fraud among other things.
She accused him of holding back her jewellery and misappropriation of funds. Nikhil had also reacted to Nusrat’s claims.
“These are legalities, I don’t really want to comment on anything she’s said because the matter is sub judice in court. I have filed a civil suit in Kolkata and I will not comment on it till it is in court. I have filed for an annulment in Kolkata, we have been separated since November last year,” Nikhil told India Today.