Actor-politicians Nusrat Jahan hinted that she and Yash Dasgupta are already married. Ringing Yash’s birthday at midnight, Nusrat shared a picture of a cake with ‘husband’ and ‘father’ written on it. She also shared a picture with Yash on her Instagram Stories.
Also Read: Yash and I are having a good time: Nusrat Jahan when asked about her child’s father
Nusrat, who welcomed her son, Yishaan recently, also confirmed that Yash is the father of the baby.
In a recent interview to Times Of India, Yash opened up about her relationship with Yash, and confirmed that he was indeed Yishaan’s father. Asked if he had second thoughts about parenthood with Nusrat, he said, “Never. I didn’t flinch when she told me. I just asked her if she wanted to go ahead with it. It’s not my body — it’s hers.
“She needed to decide. I told her I’d never leave her side irrespective of her decision. I wanted to have the baby but couldn’t have forced my decision on her. She even told me that if you want nothing to do with the baby, it’s okay, I’ll keep the baby.”
Nusrat added that he ‘didn’t freak out at all’ and that they didn’t care what the world would think. “I knew they would call me strong or call me names.”
The couple also revealed why they decided to keep the identity of the father a secret. “People should understand that wanting to keep your private life to yourself isn’t a crime.”
Also Read: Yash Dasgupta carries baby in his arms as Nusrat Jahan leaves hospital
“There was no hiding of the fact and that we were having a baby. If we wanted to hide, why would we even have the baby, right? She was roaming around with a baby bump. What were people thinking? That we were pulling a prank on them? Was I expected to stand on the roof with a placard in my hand? I’m not that person,” he said.
Nusrat Jahan was previously married to businessman Nikhil Jain. They got married in Turkey in 2019, but Nusrat said in 2021 in a statement that her marriage with Nikhil was not valid under Indian laws. The couple have been separated since November 2020.