Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra took to Instagram on Friday to share the unplugged version of ‘Matlabi Yaariyan’, a song from her film ‘The Girl On The Train’, which is scheduled to release on Netflix on Friday. The original version of this track is sung by Neha Kakkar. The psychological thriller marks Parineeti’s digital debut.
“Ending a 1.5year journey with this .. Sang this song for the film .. Go check it out .. AND .. #TheGirlOnTheTrain is yours now … Thankyou everyone. #LinkInBio #MatlabiYaariyan |Thankyou Vipin sir for giving me this song @vipinpatwaofficial @kumaarofficial | @iamdannyleen,” Parineeti Chopra captioned her post.
Directed by Ribhu Dasgupta, ‘The Girl On The Train’ is the Hindi remake of a 2016 Hollywood film starring Emily Blunt. The original film was based on Paula Hawkins’ bestselling novel of the same name. The film also stars Aditi Rao Hydari, Avinash Tiwary, Kirti Kulhari and others.
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Ahead of the film’s release, Parineeti on Thursday urged cinema lovers to not give any spoilers after watching the film. In a long note to her fans, the 32-year-old said that the movie is a murder mystery and the essence of the film will be lost if people share spoilers.
‘The Girl On The Train’ traces the journey of a woman, Meera Kapoor, who suffers from amnesia. The movie hints towards the protagonist having either an obsession or a desire to live the life of a woman she watches daily from the train she takes.