Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Friday took to Instagram to share the website link of her New York-based Indian restaurant ‘Sona’, which was unveiled by her earlier this month. “@sonanewyork’s website is LIVE! Check it out,” Priyanka wrote in her Instagram story on Friday.
The homepage of Sona’s website reads, “SONA reimagines the wonders of Indian fare in a space that evokes a bygone era of a boisterous yet elegant India—all within the heart of New York City. This is timeless India.”
Sona’s official Instagram handle, which has been active since March 2, gives a “sneak peek” into head chef Hari Nayak’s signature items from the menu, including Kofta Korma.
Also read: From ‘In my City’ to ‘The White Tiger’, a look back at Priyanka Chopra’s production journey
Launching the restaurant on March 7, Priyanka posted photos of the restaurant and a prayer ceremony that was performed in 2019 on social media. She added that Sona will open later this month and renowned chef Hari Nayak will be the head chef.
“I’m thrilled to present to you SONA, a new restaurant in NYC that I poured my love for Indian food into. SONA is the very embodiment of timeless India and the flavours I grew up with. The kitchen is helmed by the incredible Chef @harinayak, a masterful talent, who has created the most delicious and innovative menu, taking you on a food journey through my amazing country,” she captioned the post.
Since the beginning of this year, the 38-year-old actor has released her memoir ‘Unfinished‘, starred in ‘The White Tiger‘, flew to London to film her romantic drama ‘Text For You’, completed filming her scenes in ‘The Matrix 4’ and is currently shooting for the spy series ‘Citadel’.