Actor Priyanka Chopra, who is currently busy promoting ‘The Matrix Resurrections’, expressed her disapproval towards a news article after it referred to her as ‘wife of Nick Jonas’. Taking to Instagram Stories, the actor shared screenshots of the text and asked if she should add her IDMB link to her bio.

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The text of the screengrab shared by Priyanka read, “The wife of Nick Jonas shared…” It quoted the actress speaking on Good Morning America about her The Matrix Resurrections co-star Keanu Reeves.

“Very interesting that I’m promoting one of the most iconic film franchises of all time, and I’m still referenced as ‘the wife of…’.” she wrote.

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She also said, “Please explain how this still happens to women? Should I add my IDMB link to my bio?”

Priyanka also tagged her husband, singer Nick Jonas in her post.

The ‘Quantico’ star has entered Matrix universe as the older Sati in the Keanu Reeves-led franchise. Priyanka has actively been sharing photos from the film’s promotions on Instagram.

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On the 100th episode of Jada Pinkett Smith’s Red Table Talk, Priyanka said how Nick couldn’t control his excitement and very excitedly bragged to his fans that she had been cast in the fourth entry to the Matrix series.

The episode also starred the main stars of the franchise, Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss. Jada herself stars in the movie in a pivotal role.