Priyanka Chopra is set to share screen time with Anthony Mackie, the new Captain America. According to Deadline, the duo will work together for the first time on a project named ‘Ending Things’. The film has been compared to James Cameron’s action-comedy ‘True Lies’ from 1994.
According to the publication, the film is about a hitwoman (probably Priyanka) who wants to leave the profession but must also quit a romantic connection with her partner (played by Mackie). She realises she doesn’t want to say goodbye to him, so they team up for one more task.
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The project sounds interesting, albeit not very unique. The cliche of a hitman wishing to quit his profession has been addressed extensively in HBO’s ‘Barry’ series.
Priyanka and her husband, singer Nick Jonas, recently revealed that they had had a baby through surrogacy. Priyanka and Nick are expecting their first child. In 2018, they married.
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Priyanka was most recently seen as Sati in ‘The Matrix Resurrections’, the fourth film in the series. ‘Text For You’, a romantic comedy that she filmed in late 2020 and early 2021, will be released soon. She also has Amazon’s Citadel, a worldwide spy series executive produced by Joe and Anthony Russo’s production firm AGBO.
Meanwhile, Mackie was most recently seen in the psychological thriller ‘The Woman in the Window’ and the anthology series ‘Solos’. He is scheduled to play Captain America in the fourth instalment of the franchise. In the Disney Plus series, ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier‘ his MCU character Sam Wilson or Falcon adopted the name of Captain America.
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‘Spark’, starring Saniyya Sidney, Venus Williams of King Richard, will also be Mackie’s directorial debut.