Most people outside Tamil Nadu know actor Dhanush for two things, ‘Kolaveri D’ and his brilliant performance in ‘Raanjhanaa’. Yes, if you loved his performance in that film, you would love him in his Tamil films. From commercial films to films on social issues, he has done it all down south. Let’s take a look at some of his regional films.
Released in 2006, ‘Pudhupettai’ is a coming of age gangster film set in North Chennai. For people who don’t know, North Chennai is infamous for its ‘Rowdie’ culture. In the film, Kokki Kumar (Dhanush) rises from a small criminal to a big gangster.
Directed by Selvaraghavan, the film tells the story of struggling photographer Karthik (Dhanush) and his relationship with Yamini (Richa Gangopadhyay). Although it wasn’t a hit at the box office, it received mixed reviews from critics and Dhanush’s performance was appreciated.
Considered one of the best performances of the actor, the Vetri Maaran film talks about the rooster fighting culture in Madurai. The film won seven national awards including the best actor award for Dhanush.
Directed by Bharat Bala, the film tells the love story of Maryan (Dhanush) and Malar (Parvathy). A R Rahmans beautiful melodies and brilliant performances from the actors make this film a must watch.
Directed by R. S. Durai Senthilkumar, ‘Kodi’ dwells deep in Tamil village politics. Dhanush has a double role in the film along with actors Trisha and Anupama Parameshwaran