Actor Gehana Vasisth has said that businessman Raj Kundra was planning to launch an app and had cast his sister-in-law Shamita Shetty for a film. Kundra, the husband of actor Shilpa Shetty, was arrested in connection with producing and distributing pornographic films earlier this week. Gehana is out on bail on the same case.
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Gehana Vasisth told Navbharat Times in an interview, “Just a few days before his arrest, I went to his office. There, I got to know that he is planning to launch an app called Bollyfame. He was planning to do chat shows, reality shows, music videos and feature films for the app. There was no plan of involving bold scenes in these films.”
“We also discussed on the scripts. Then we thought about casting Shamita Shetty for one script, Sai Tamhankar and two other artists for another. I was supposed to direct these films and was thinking about it just a few days before his arrest,” Gehana added.
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Kundra was arrested on July 19 by the Mumbai Crime Brach and was sent to police custody. The businessman was named as the ‘key conspirator’ in the case involving creation and publishing of porn videos through the ‘Hotshots’ app.
While Kundra stated that he sold ‘Hotshots’ for $25,000 in 2019, it is being reported that Raj Kundra and his UK based brother-in-law Pradeep Bakshi worked together on it.
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According to IANS, Kundra is the owner of Viaan Industries Ltd, while Pradeep Bakshi — a British citizen, who is married to Kundra’s sister — is the Chairman of Kenrin Ltd., London. Both the companies worked on the mobile app called ‘HotShots Digital Entertainment’, developed by Kenrin Ltd.