“Former film journalist Rajeev Masand has contracted the COVID-19 virus and has been admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai a few days ago. It is said that he is in critical condition due to which he has been shifted to the ICU. u00a0u201cHe is serious and the doctors are doing their best. Letu2019s pray for his quick recovery,” one of his close friend told Film Information. Also Read: Kartik Aaryan writes u2018Unmasked faces likeu2019, netizens call him u2018caption kingu2019. Several personalities from the entertainment industry came forward to pray for his quick recovery. u00a0. u00a0. Also Read: Kartik Aryanu2019s replacement from ‘Dostana 2 ‘ will cost Rs 20 crore to Dharma Production. Last year, Rajeev Masand left journalism and joined as a Chief Operating Officer in Karan Johar and Bunty Sajdehu2019s new talent management company u2018Dharma Cornerstone Agencyu2019. #Movies #Entertainment #Filmsu00a0. u00a0.”