Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, as it appeared in a video, loved to play with fellow actor Anushka Sharma’s outfits during interviews. It shows Ranbir fidgeting with Anushka’s dresses in two separate interviews. The duo co-starred in the movie ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’, which was released in 2016.

While Anushka in the interview looks engrossed with the task at hand, Ranbir is seen playing with her dress. In the 2016 movie in which the two co-starred, Ranbir plays the character of Ayan Sayengar and Anushka plays Alizeh.

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Netizens took to the comment section, and while many reacted with a laughing face emoticon, some found Ranbir’s actions “cute”.

The duo have an amicable relationship with each other. In 2015, while promoting Anushka’s movie ‘Bombay Velvet’ with Ranbir, she had said that dealing with Ranbir’s childish nature has made her ready to deal with her own child when she would have one. 

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“He wants to know everything that’s happening. He would walk into my makeup room and start opening drawers. He’d open my handbag. If I’m on my phone, he’ll want to see what I’m doing on my phone. He’s a child. I’ll be a great mother because I’ve been around Ranbir Kapoor”, Anushka told NDTV.

Apart from Bombay Velvet and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, the two have also featured together in the movie ‘Sanju’.