Kareena Kapoor and husband Saif Ali Khan, who became proud parents of a second child on February 21, are yet to introduce the newborn with their social media fans. However, Kareena’s father and veteran actor Randhir Kapoor accidentally shared the first pictures of Taimur Ali Khan’s younger brother only to delete them later.
As per reports, Randhir had shared a photo collage of the baby on his Instagram page last night. Now fans have been sharing the picture on social media along with Taimur’s photo.
Kareena and Saif’s second son was born on February 21.
Earlier, Kareena did share a picture of her son on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
She had shared a picture of her newborn son sleeping on her shoulder and had written: “There’s nothing women can’t do. Happy Women’s Day my loves. #InternationalWomensDay.” After the baby had completed a month since his birthday on March 21, Saif’s sister Saba Ali Khan had shared another picture of the little one. Here, too, the face was not revealed.