Ranveer Singh‘s debut television show ‘The Big Picture‘, which premiered on Saturday, is off to a great start with people praising the actor’s hosting skills. From performing on an original rap created for the show to matching steps with the contestants, Ranveer managed to keep everyone entertainment.
Several of his fans praised the actor and called the show “interesting”.
“TheBigPictureShow along with my family and friends .. One of the good shows in recent times,” one person tweeted.
“The the Big picture show everyone knows this show will peaks because of ranveer he is getting into another level humoured and everything filled good show,” another person commented.
Also Read: How to register for Ranveer Singh’s The Big Picture?
“As the show fully dominated by Ranveer sir.. can’t wait more episodes. Watch every one,” tweeted another user.
“I have watched this show many times and it looks new every time I watch it, and my favorite actor Ranveer Singh has hosted it very nicely,” a person tweeted.
Karishma Toor, a young policewoman from Haryana, was the first contestant to play the game and ended up winning Rs 20 lakh. She told the host that she wanted to win a big amount to build a hone for her family and save for her wedding.
Abhay Singh from Uttar Pradesh was the second contestant. He also ended up taking home Rs 20 lakh.
Abhay talked about how his father died when he was seven years old. This left Ranveer teary-eyed.
“My father died when I was in Class 7. I could not understand what was happening then, I was so young. I had never experienced death until then. I could not have cried in front of my family and no one would have understood even if I did. My mother has worked so hard. We did not have enough money at home that all my siblings could be sent to school,” the contestant, Abhay Singh from Uttar Pradesh, told Ranveer.
Ranveer broke down and connected with Abhay’s family over a video call.
Ranveer’s camaraderie with the contestants was definitely the highlight of the show.