Actor Taapsee Pannu has reunited with ‘Manmarziyaan’ director Anurag Kashyap for a sci-fi film titled ‘Dobaaraa’. The actor took to Instagram to share a photo with the filmmaker and wrote that some collaborations deserve to be repeated.
In the photo, the actor is seen sitting on a chair and smiling with her hand on her forehead, while the director is sitting on her lap.
“My #DobaaraaSeries Coz some collaborations deserve to be repeated…. Ready to create more memories because we were running out of Manmarziyaan stories to tell… @anuragkashyap10 let’s do this #Dobaaraa (sic),” the actor wrote.
The teaser of the film shows Taapsee looking at film scripts lying on a table. She later asks Alexa to switch on the television and play a film that is edgy and has a vibe. And then, Anurag Kashyap starts interacting with her through the television and asks her to do a film with him.
He also asks Taapsee if he believes in time travel giving a hint that it’s a sci-fi film.