Bollywood director Karan Johar‘s iconic film ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’, which was released 23 years ago, is considered one of the best works of Indian cinema. The movie stars Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Rani Mukerji, and Salman Khan. While the audience loved tomboy Anjali (Kajol) and her best friend Rahul-the cheater’s (Shah Rukh Khan) romantic saga, Salman Khan’s precise role as Aman won our hearts in the end.
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But do you know Salman Khan was not ready to play the role at first? Not even after Karan’s repeated requests. Yes, you read it right. It was Salman’s sister Alvira who eventually convinced him to play the part that we now can certainly say added to the actor’s huge popularity.
According to News 18, Salman revealed that Karan approached Alvira and told her how important it is for him to have someone compelling play Aman’s part in the movie. Alvira later asked Salman to help Karan since it was his (Karan’s) first film.
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Salman also told Karan that he was doing the part only for his sister, Yash (Johar) uncle, Hiroo (Johar) aunty, and Shah Rukh, and that’s how he became a part of the film.
About the film, ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ revolves around the life of a little girl Anjali, Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter who reads her mother’s (Rani Mukerji) letter and takes on a mission to reunite her father with his best friend Anjali, who apparently loved her but couldn’t express.
The story then takes a twist, when Aman who is Anjali’s fiance enters. In the end, Aman gives up the girl he loves to let Rahul marry Anjali.