Bollywood actor Salman Khan was spotted arriving at friend Shah Rukh Khan’s bungalow in Mumbai on Sunday, hours after the latter’s eldest son Aryan Khan was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau following a drug bust on a cruise.
On Saturday night, NCB team raided Cordelia cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai after receiving information that a party was scheduled to take place aboard the cruise. Different drugs like MDMA, ecstasy, cocaine, MD (mephedrone) and charas were reportedly found during the raid.
Also Read: NCB clarifies man taking selfie with Aryan Khan is not their employee
A total of eight people, including Aryan and his friend Arbaaz Seth Merchantt, were detained by NCB.
“During the raid, over 20 officials of the Mumbai NCB boarded the ship posing as customers. There were 1,800 people on the ship but after checking all were asked to go except the eight including Aryan Khan,” an NCB official said.
Aryan Khan has been booked under sections 27 (punishment for consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance), 8C (produce, manufacture, possess, sell or purchase of drugs) and other relevant provisions of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS). He was produced in court and remanded to NCB custody till October 4.
“Prima facie investigation conducted by the NCB reveals that there is incriminating material in the form of WhatsApp chats and so on that clearly shows the nexus with the arrested accused (Aryan Khan and two others) with suppliers and peddlers on a regular basis,” the NCB said in its remand note, PTI reported.
Besides Aryan Khan and his friend Arbaaz, the arrested accused are identified as Munmun Dhamecha, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Gomit Chopra, Nupur Sarika, and Vikrant Chhokar.