Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who announced a short break from work on medical grounds in August, is responding “very well” to the treatment, a family source told news agency PTI.
“The news was like he has got six months or this month to live, (but) it has never been that scene. He was detected with a kind of lung cancer for which treatment started in Mumbai and he has responded very well to the treatment,” said the family member.
“He went for his test today and the results have come out very good.
With God’s grace and everyone’s blessings, he has responded very well,” the member added on Monday.
The 61-year-old actor, for the first time, spoke about his cancer diagnosis in an Instagram video shared by celebrity hairstylist Aalim Hakim.
“This is a recent scar in my life, but I’ll beat it. I’ll be out of this cancer soon,” said the actor in the video posted on October 14.
His next projects include ‘Shamshera’ and ‘KGF: Chapter 2’