Young Bollywood star Sara Ali Khan gave her Instagram followers a peek at her home in a post. She is currently staying with her mother Amrita Singh, her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan, and their dog Fluffy. She shared a picture of a cosy corner in her house on her Instagram stories, a place where she likes to read.

This is evident from the pile of books on a table and the quirky cushions, an ideal atmosphere for reading. 

Sara also shared pictures of herself in a post. Here, she lays on a couch wearing a cap, and behind her are two colourful wooden boxes stacked neatly. One of the decorative boxes has the phrase “My Happy Place” written on it. 

This is not the first time Sara Ali Khan has shared pictures from her quarantine days. Earlier, the actor posted a picture of her gym sessions with Ibrahim. Their dog, Fluffy, also is a part of this fitness regime of the brother sister duo.

Sara is slated to resume her shooting in some time for Anand L Rai’s Atrangi Re, co-starring Akshay Kumar and south Indian actor Dhanush. The film’s shooting started in March but had to be halted because of the lockdown. According to reports, she was recently spotted at the director’s office after some relaxations were made in the film industry.

The actor is awaiting release of the remake of Coolie No. 1 opposite Varun Dhawan. The film’s release has been postponed from May 1 owing to the closure of theatres during the lockdown.