The latest installment in the long-running Marvel Cinematic Universe, %u2018Black Widow%u2019 starring Scarlett Johansson aka Natasha Romanoff is currently in theatres in some countries.
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American actor Stephen Dorff, who is known for his roles in True Detective Season 3 and Embattled to name a few. He said that he is ’embarrassed’ for Scarlett Johansson because she has to appear in films like Black Widow, which he described as ‘garbage’.
Stephen told The Independent that he wants to make good films, calling Scarlett Johansson a %u2018bad video game%u2019
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The actor said, %u201CI still hunt out the good s**t because I don%u2019t want to be in Black Widow. It looks like garbage to me. It looks like a bad video game. I%u2019m embarrassed for those people. I%u2019m embarrassed for Scarlett! I%u2019m sure she got paid five, seven million bucks, but I%u2019m embarrassed for her. I don%u2019t want to be in those movies. I%u2019ll find that kid director that%u2019s gonna be the next Kubrick and I%u2019ll act for him instead.%u201D
He also said that he doesn%u2019t like to play things safe and to him, Hollywood is too safe. He also revealed that he has done a couple of movies that he didn%u2019t want to do when he wanted the money.
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Black Widow also starred actors like Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, and David Harbour. Scarlett has played the character of Natasha Romanoff since Iron Man 2, making her among the highest-paid female actors in the world.
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