Actor Sunny Deol on Monday announced that he will collaborate with his son, actor Karan Deol for the sequel of ‘Apne’. The film will also feature his father, veteran star Dharmendra and actor-brother Bobby Deol.
Sunny shared the update on Twitter, saying he feels ‘blessed’ at this chance to work with this father and brother again, along with his son.
“With the blessings of Babaji and your love, all of us will be seen together, again. Feeling blessed to get a chance to work with my father, brother again this time with my son. #Apne2, in cinemas Diwali 2021,” the actor said, as per PTI reports.
Directed by Anil Sharma and produced by Deepak Mukut, the film is slated to begin production in March, following which it will have a Diwali 2021 theatrical release.
Karan also shared his excitement on social media, calling the collaboration “extra special”. He made his debut in 2019 in his father’s directorial ‘Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas’.
‘Apne’, also directed by Anil Sharma, released in 2007. A sports drama featuring Dharmendra as a disgraced former boxer trying to reclaim his past glory through his sons, the film marked the first time the Deols (Dharmendra, Sunny and Bobby) starred together on screen. They later reunited for the comedy ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’ in 2011.
Th next two in the franchise, ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana 2’ (2013) and ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana: Phir Se’ (2018) also featured the trio.