Tamil Bigg Boss fame Yashika Aannad met with a car crash on early Sunday morning. She was reportedly traveling with her friends in Mahabalipuram when her car collided after hitting the center median post which toppled into a roadside pit nearby. Aannad’s friend, Vallichetti Bhavani died on the spot while Yashika has sustained serious injuries.
Bhavani’s body has been sent to Chengalpattu hospital for autopsy.
According to media reports, the commuters on the East Coast Road said they were shocked to see an SUV overspeeding. The car then rammed into the center median and slipped into a pit nearby.
People then rushed to rescue the three people who were stuck in the vehicle. All the sustained several injuries and were taken to a hospital for treatment. However, one of the passengers, Vallichetti Bhavani, who is Yashika’s friend died on the spot.
Yashika Aannand is an Indian model and film actress, who predominantly works in Kollywood.
Also Read: Yashika Aannand’s top films that graced the silver screen
She made her acting debut in the action-thriller Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru (2016). She then went on to play supporting roles in films like Kavalai Vendam (2016), NOTA (2018), and Siruthai Siva (2020). Her first role as the lead character was in the Tamil film Araiyil Murattu Kuthuthu. She participated in Big Boss Tamil Season 2 (2018) hosted by Kamal Hasan.
Yashika rose to fame with her appearance on Tamil Bigg Boss. She went on to play the lead roles in films such as Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu and played supporting roles in Nota and Dhruvangal 16 among others.