Actor Neha Dhupia and husband Angad Bedi announced their second pregnancy on Monday. The 40-year-old took to Instagram to share the news and wrote, “Took us 2 days to come with a caption….The best one we could think of was … Thank you, God. @prasadnaaik #WaheguruMehrKare.”
The actor is clad in a black dress, showing off her baby bump in the photograph. The Instagram post shows the duo along with their first child. Before the announcement, Neha Dhupia had taken to Instagram stories to build up the excitement among her fans and followers, writing, “Midnight munchies. Gearing up for Monday and my next big project.”
While the fans showered their blessings and love on the couple, their friends commented on the post all excited about the pregnancy. Saina Mirza wrote, “Yaayy love you guys,” while Farah Khan commented, “So now I can tell people?” TV actor Anita Hassanandani’s husband Rohit Reddy also congratulated them, writing, “Congrats @nehadhupia @angadbedi … love you guys.”
Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia tied the knot in 2018. Soon after a few months, the couple was blessed with daughter Mehr.
In an episode of ‘No Filter Neha’, hosted by Neha Dhupia, Angad Bedi had earlier opened up about breaking the pregnancy news to their parents.
He had said, “Considering that you (Neha) didn’t want to break the news that you were expecting, so we had to tell them that we need to get married and we love each other. I was extremely nervous because that was the judgement day, technically. To break the news to your parents, I really had cold feet as clearly it was not going to come from you (Neha). Everything had to come for me. I had to really man up and speak. I just had to blurt it out and see the reaction.”