Neetu Kapoor, veteran actress, and wife of late actor Rishi Kapoor, took to her Instagram account to remember her husband as his film, ‘Mera Naam Joker’ has turned 50 on December 18. “Mera naam joker released on 18th dec. 1970 .. today would have been his 50 years in the Indian film industry #rishikapoor (sic),” she captioned the photo.
Her post consists of photo collage of Rishi as a child star in ‘Mera Naam Joker’ to his charming phase as a romantic hero and finally moving towards his old age. Her post received comments from Industry friends including Karan Johar who reacted by saying, “My absolute favourite actor of all times.”
In one of her previous posts, the senior actress also remembered her late father in law Raj Kapoor. The photo is from her wedding time in which Rishi can also be seen. She captioned it as, “Remember n miss both of them !!!”
Rishi died aged 67, following a long battle with cancer