Actor Tom Cruise became the global superstar after the success of ‘Top Gun’ in 1986, a film that gave him the tag of the world’s biggest action star. The actor is back again in his famous character of Pilot Maverick with the much-anticipated sequel ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ and according to Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of the film, he loved the script at first go
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Talking about why the sequel took 35 years to happen, he told Reuters, “It’s always about getting a great story and we found a way to tell a wonderful story that’s different and fresh. And also, it’s something that Tom really embraced. Tom fell in love with the story, he’s always been in love with the character, and had to be a great arc for Maverick. And we have a terrific arc for him. So that’s what made it really exciting.”
Actor Rick Rossovich, who played Slider in the film, recalls spending some days on the set with old friends “and it was like time stopped.” He candidly mentioned that some tears were running out from the meeting of old friends and that the original film.
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“It’s like a fine wine to me. It gets better and better … there’s a lot of complexity to it. There’s a lot of emotional layers. A lot of … things happen in the film that are kind of heavy,” he told Reuters.
Tom Cruise recently shared a behind-the-scenes image from ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ honoring the original movie.
The long-awaited sequel to the classic film was originally scheduled for a release about two years ago but was initially postponed to give production more time to choreograph the film’s complex flight sequences. But then, COVID-19 hit and the film faced further delays due to the pandemic.
It is currently scheduled for a November 19 release.