Today is a once-in-a-lifetime-day when the date numbers line up to 22/2/22. This date is called asymmetrical or palindromic because the numbers read the same backward and forward. With 22/2/22 falling on Tuesday, many Twitter users are tweeting about this date being the palindrome date as it can be read backward and have dubbed it Twosday.
Although there is no historical significance, it’s a fact that this special line-up for number 2 will take place again after 200 years. According to astrology, the “number 2 signifies the union of two people or two ideas and is a day about collaboration.”
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NWS Anchorage in a Twitter post said, “Let’s take a break from all this active weather and ‘reflect’ on a fun fact! It is a Palindrome week! This means every day this week can be read the same forward and backward! It is a ‘mirror-cle’! Don’t believe us?? Check out our image and ‘self-reflect’.”
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The last time a palindrome date took place was on 11 January 2011, i.e. 11/1/11, and the next time it will happen after 11 years is on 3 March 2033, i.e. 3-3-33.
People around the world have special plans to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime day.
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The Star newspaper mentions that hundreds of couples in Malaysia have plans to get married on 22/2/22.
Delhi Police also made use of the occasion to deliver a message about road safety on their Twitter handle.
“Happy TwosDay, people! Since it is 22022022 today, we remind you to think twice about your MOM and DAD before you speed!” the tweet read.