American fashion designer Virgil Abloh died on Sunday following a two-year battle with cancer, plunging fans, friends and colleagues into mourning. The 41-year-old served as artistic director of Louis Vuitton’s menswear collection since 2018 and chief executive officer (CEO) of his Off-White label that he founded in 2012. Abloh succumbed to “a rare, aggressive form of cancer, cardiac angiosarcoma,” according to a statement on his Instagram.
“We are devastated to announce the passing of our beloved Virgil Abloh, a fiercely devoted father, husband, son, brother, and friend,” the statement said.
Virgil Abloh, Louis Vuitton and Off White designer, dies at 41
Abloh is survived by his wife Shannon Abloh, his children Lowe Abloh and Grey Abloh, his sister Edwina Abloh, his parents Nee and Eunice Abloh, “and numerous dear friends and colleagues.”
Virgil chose to endure his battle against cardiac angiosarcoma, a rare, aggressive form of cancer, privately since his diagnosis in 2019, “undergoing numerous challenging treatments, all while helming several significant institutions that span fashion, art, and culture.”
Louis Vuitton issued an official statement from chairman Berard Arnault on Twitter. “We are all shocked after this terrible news,” Berard said. “Virgil was not only a genius designer, a visionary, he was also a man with a beautiful soul and great wisdom.
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The LVMH family joins me in this moment of great sorry, and we are all thinking of his loved ones after the passing of their husband, their father, their brother or their friend.”
Abloh was the first Black artistic director to lead Louis Vuitton menswear. He was also named a Time 100 Most Influential People honoree.
Abloh was behind several of Kanye West’s notable album covers, including 2010’s “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,” 2011’s “Watch the Throne” with Jay-Z and 2013’s “Yeezus.” The rapper was present for Abloh’s first Louis Vuitton show at Paris Fashion Week in 2019, where the two were photographed warmly embracing afterward.