Rob Reiner, the son of the late comedian Carl Reiner, found himself embroiled in controversy after a recent tweet comparing Bobby Kennedy Jr. to his iconic father, John F. Kennedy.
The tweet read: “I know Bobby Kennedy Jr. I’ve spent time with Bobby Kennedy Jr. Bobby Kennedy Jr. is no John Kennedy.”
Rob Reiner, a well-known actor, director, and activist, has a significant presence on social media, where he often shares his political opinions and engages in discussions on various topics.
However, his recent tweet about Bobby Kennedy Jr., son of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, sparked heated debates and attracted a barrage of responses from both supporters and critics.
The controversy stemmed from Kennedy’s recent remarks during a press event at a restaurant in New York City.
During the event, Kennedy dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories, claiming that the virus was a genetically engineered bioweapon, potentially “ethnically targeted” to spare certain groups, including Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people. These claims were not supported by any evidence, and they echoed anti-Semitic literature that had circulated online during the pandemic.
Who is Rob Reiner?
Rob Reiner, born on March 6, 1947, is an American actor and filmmaker. He gained fame as “Meathead” on All in the Family and won two Emmy Awards. As a director, he received accolades for Stand by Me, When Harry Met Sally…, and A Few Good Men, the latter earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture.
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Reiner’s notable films include This Is Spinal Tap, The Princess Bride, Misery, The American President, The Bucket List, and LBJ. He also appeared in various other films, such as Sleepless in Seattle, Bullets Over Broadway, and The Wolf of Wall Street.