Gordon Ramsay has joyfully announced the birth of his sixth child with wife Tana. The 57-year-old celebrity chef shared a heartwarming photo on Instagram, depicting him kissing the newborn’s head while Tana cradled the baby in her arms. Describing the birth as an “amazing birthday present,” Gordon expressed gratitude as his birthday falls on November 8.
Tana, 49, also shared the news on her Instagram, expressing the family’s sense of blessing with the arrival of their newest member, Jesse James Ramsay. In her post, she described the past nine months as nerve-wracking but celebrated the completeness of the Ramsay family.
The couple, married since 1996, managed to keep Tana’s pregnancy discreet until now. Gordon, in a podcast interview back in September, disclosed that Tana desired a sixth child, though he was hesitant about the idea. He humorously remarked on the challenges of managing a larger family, envisioning scenarios like taking two buses to dinner and being the oldest parent at school.
Celebrity friends flooded the Ramsays with congratulations on social media. Kirsty Gallacher, Tyson Fury’s wife Paris, Paddy McGuinness, and Joe Wicks were among those extending their best wishes.
Gordon also shared amusing anecdotes about his youngest child, Oscar, indicating that the toddler is already following in his culinary footsteps. Despite his initial reluctance to expand the family, Gordon acknowledged that his parenting skills have improved with each addition.