American actor and producer Katie Holmes is trending on the internet for her recent spring fashion moments in New York City. On one occasion she was spotted in a chic printed dress and on another, she donned loose overalls with a cardigan. Although while most people follow the 42-year-old for her showstopping outfits, Katie is not just about style but much more than that.
Katie hails from Ohio and rose to popularity in the early 2000s through her role as Joey Potter in the television series ‘Dawson’s Creek.’
Her first starring role after ‘Dawson’s Creek’ was in 2003’s ‘Pieces of April’ and went on to feature in more than 35 films. She was also seen in 2003 superhit ‘Phone Booth’ and 2005’s ‘Batman Begins’. In October 2011, she portrayed “Slutty Pumpkin” (Naomi), in the TV show ‘How I Met Your Mother’.
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In 2005, she made headlines for dating Hollywood star Tom Cruise. They got engaged in June 2005 and their daughter ‘Suri’ was born on April 18, 2006. The couple got married on November 18, 2006, but on July 9, 2012, they got divorced. Katie is currently dating chef Emillio Vitolo Jr.
Katie made her directorial debut with the 2016 film ‘All We Had’. However, she became a film producer long before that. ‘Romantics’ in 2005 and ‘Touched With Fire’ in 2015 are some of them.
She has been named ‘one of the sexiest women in the world’ by American and British magazines several times in her career. In 2005, People magazine said she was one of the ten best-dressed stars of the year.
Katie owns a high fashion clothing line called Holmes & Yang along with her long-time friend Jeanne Yang and a dance scholarship fund called the Dizzy Feet Foundation.