Bollywood’s rumoured couple Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani landed in trouble after their car was stopped by Mumbai police as they were taking rounds at Bandstand. It is said that they were enjoying a drive after a session in the gym when the cops noticed their vehicle. Later, they checked their Aadhar Card and were allowed to go.

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However, in the latest development a case has been filed against the actor for allegedly violating the pandemic norms, the Mumbai police said on Wednesday, reports PTI.

According to the police, the actors were found roaming at Bandstand Promenade and could not give a valid reason for being out of their homes after 2 pm.

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“The case was registered under section 188 (Disobeying the order of public servant) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). No arrest was made because it is a bailable section,” the police added.

According to an order issued by the Maharashtra government, all essential shops are allowed to operate between 7 am to 2 pm. The state is under lockdown till June 15.