The release of the new Netflix show American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing has reignited interest in the notorious 2013 bombing that killed three people and injured hundreds more. One aspect of the case that has garnered attention is the labeling of the two bombers as “Black Hat” and “White Hat.”

Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the brothers responsible for the attack, were caught on camera wearing distinctive hats during the marathon. Tamerlan wore a black hat, while Dzhokhar wore a white hat. These hats became important identifying markers for law enforcement as they searched for the suspects.

After the FBI released photos of the two suspects, the public began referring to them as “Black Hat” and “White Hat” based on their headwear. The nicknames were quickly adopted by the media and became a shorthand way to refer to the suspects.

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However, there is more to the story than just the hats. The labels also had racial connotations, with “Black Hat” referring to the older, more aggressive brother Tamerlan, who had a darker complexion, and “White Hat” referring to the younger, more passive brother Dzhokhar, who had a lighter complexion.

Some critics argued that the nicknames perpetuated harmful stereotypes and reinforced the idea that darker-skinned individuals are more violent and dangerous. Others defended the labels as a useful way to identify the suspects and argued that they were not intended to be racially charged.

Regardless of their intentions, the labels stuck and became part of the cultural lexicon surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing. They even inspired Halloween costumes and merchandise, further blurring the line between true crime and popular culture.

Today, nearly a decade after the attack, the nicknames remain a controversial topic. While some view them as a harmless way to refer to the suspects, others see them as a symbol of racial bias and prejudice in the criminal justice system.

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As American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing brings the events of that tragic day back into the public eye, it is worth remembering the complexities and controversies surrounding the case, including the labeling of the two suspects as “Black Hat” and “White Hat.”