Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt, who tied the knot with Ranbir Kapoor earlier this year, has revealed that she will be changing her name to Alia Bhatt Kapoor legally. This comes as the couple waits to welcome their first child together.
Speaking to Mid-Day, the ‘Darlings‘ actor revealed that while her hubby ‘promptly’ changed his marital status on his passport, she hasn’t found the time to do it yet.
“I will be doing it (adding the Kapoor surname). I have to add all these things. I am happy to do it,” she told the outlet.
“We are going to have a child now. I don’t want to be the Bhatt, whilst the Kapoors are traveling together; you know what I mean? I don’t want to feel left out.”
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The 29-year-old, however, maintained that she will not be changing her screen name.
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor tied the knot in an intimate ceremony at their Mumbai home in April 2022. In June, the couple surprised their fans by announcing their pregnancy.
“Our baby ….. coming soon,” she wrote on Instagram alongside a photo from the hospital.
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In an interview with Prabhat Khabar, she spoke about how her husband is taking care of her.
“He has always takes good care of me. Now, he is even more careful. If you want to ask whether he massages my feet, he does not. But he does many things to make me feel special. Now, he does more of that,” she said.
Alia and Ranbir are currently on the promotional spree of their upcoming film Brahmastra. Last week, Ranbir was slammed by social media users after he joked about his pregnant wife weight gain.