Actor Tamannaah Bhatia who tested positive for COVID-19 last week has been discharged from the hospital, the actor said in an Instagram post. After contracting the novel coronavirus, the actor admitted herself into a private medical hospital in Hyderabad.
“After being under the care of expert medical professionals I am now being discharged,” the actor wrote.
“It has been a strenuous week but I feel relatively well. I am optimistic that I will recover fully from this health peril which is distressing so many people around the world,” she added.
The Baahubali actor will self-isolate. “A big virtual hug to everyone for their love, concern and positivity,” the actor said in her post.
In August, Tamannaah said in an Instagram post that her parents tested positive for the coronavirus.
“My parents were showing mild COVID-19 symptoms over the weekend and as a precautionary measure everyone at home underwent tests immediately. The results have just come in, and unfortunately my parents have tested positive,” the actor said.
A renowned South Indian actor, Tamannaah is known for movies such as Baahubali, Devi and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. She has also worked in a number of Bollywood films.