On Thursday, stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra and the father of the young boy who performed a patriotic song for Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Germany engaged in a heated Twitter debate.
In a video posted on Twitter, a seven-year-old is seen singing “Hey Janmabhoomi Bharat” in the presence of Prime Minister Modi during his recent visit to Berlin.
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Kunal Kamra, who has been chastised for his criticism of the BJP and the Prime Minister, edited the video to replace the tune with “Mehngai Dayan,” a popular folk song against inflation featured in the film “Peepli Live.”
“Now who did this,” the 33-year-old comic captioned his post. Following the incident, the comedian’s “Mehngai” video has been deleted.
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Ganesh Pol, the child’s father, said in response to the modified video, “He is my 7-Year-old son, who wanted to sing this song for his beloved Motherland. Though he is still very young certainly he loves his country more than you Mr Kamra or Kachra whatever u are. Keep the poor boy out of your filthy politics & and try to work on your poor jokes.”
Mr Pol was tagged by a confrontational Mr Kamra, who claimed the original film was already in the public domain.
“The joke is not on your son, while you enjoy your son singing for his motherland to the most popular son, there are songs that he should listen to from people of his country also.”
The comedian also responded to those asking for his arrest on Twitter, stating, “The father is guiding the child towards demo singing to PM while everyone has cameras rolling & footage shared on social media, PM got the kid in the public domain, not me. I just made the child sing a song the PM much rather hear…”
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Kunal Kamra has constantly been involved in controversies, the most well-known of which was the Arnab Goswami flight incident in 2020. Kamra confronted news anchor Arnab Goswami aboard an IndiGo flight on January 28, 2020, and invited him to debate with him. Kamra had questioned Goswami’s coverage of national security problems, including Rohith Vemula’s suicide.
On Twitter, Kamra later posted a 1.51-minute video of the incident, which showed a non-responsive Goswami being questioned by him.
Indigo, Air India, Spicejet, and GoAir all barred Kamra from boarding their flights for six months the next day. The prohibition was deemed unreasonable and in violation of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation’s standards.