Maharashtra’s capital city, Mumbai, on Sunday recorded 11,163 new cases of COVID-19, reported ANI. This was the city’s highest single-day spike since the pandemic began in March, last year. The city has recorded a total of 452,445 virus cases.

25 deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to reach 11,776. The total number of active cases stands at 68,052, while 371,628 have recovered. 

The previous highest single-day spike was recorded on Saturday when India’s financial capital logged 9,090 new infections. The third-highest number of cases was recorded on Friday with 8,832 new COVID-19 cases.

In the wake of the COVID-19 surge, Maharashtra has announced night curfew and weekend lockdown. While the night curfew will be in effect from 8 pm to 7 am on the weekdays, weekend lockdown will be imposed at 8 pm on Friday till 7 am on Monday.