Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will start the immunisation campaign for polio on Sunday. He’ll kick-start this year’s drive from Lucknow’s Dufferin hospital, ANI reported quoting an official release.
Also read: National Polio immunisation programme rescheduled to January 31
On Sunday, he’ll give polio drops to several children. The drive will subsequently begin across all the districts in the state.
As many as 3.4 crore children, up to 5 years of age, will be administered the polio drops, the official release read.
The campaign will be rolled out adhering to the COVID-19 safety norms, ANI reported quoting Sudha Verma, Chief Medical Superintendent of Dufferin hospital.
Director General (Family Welfare) Rakesh Dubey said, “The state has 110,000 polio booths. Besides, 69,000 teams have been constituted who will visit houses in the state to give polio drops.”