Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s manager Mihir Diwakar has cleared all doubts related to Dhoni’s retirement. According to Diwakar, the wicket-keeper-batsman is not harbouring thoughts of retirement yet. Dhoni who turned 39 on July 7, had taken a sabbatical from cricket after India crashed out of the ICC World Cup in 2019, and has not played for the national team since.

According to Diwakar, Dhoni is yet to call quits, and the former captain had amped up the intensity of his training during the Chennai Super King’s training camp in March. Unfortunately, the camp had to halt due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Being friends, we don’t talk about his cricket. But looking at him, he’s not all thinking about retirement,” Diwakar told PTI. Diwakar went on to add that, “He (Dhoni) is very determined to play the IPL. He has worked really hard for this. If you remember he was there in Chennai one month in advance before everything was shut down.”

In a recent statement to the press, BCCI President Sourav Ganguly stated that “hosting the IPL in India still remains its numero uno priority”. Ganguly also added, that he is hopeful about organising an IPL in this calendar year despite the rising number of coronavirus cases.

This has risen hopes in the minds of ardent Dhoni fans and they are keen to see the Ranchi-born cricketer in action.

Diwakar added that Dhoni has maintained his fitness regime and intends to restart practice as soon as the lockdown is lifted.