The man, who had registered a complaint against former Karnataka minister and BJP MLA Ramesh Jarkiholi after a sex tape, which allegedly features him and an unidentified woman, did rounds of news channels, has taken back his complaint, reports ANI. On Wednesday, Jarkiholi resigned from his post of Water Resources Minister after the sex tape scandal, where he was accused of seeking sexual favours from her in return for a government job.
Social activist Dinesh Kallahalli had filed a complaint against Jarkiholi on Tuesday after the woman’s family approached him “with the complaint and the CD and shared all the details.”
Also Read | Who is Ramesh Jarkiholi, Karnataka minister caught in a sex scandal?
Kallahalli said that he withdrew his complaints after many people alleged that he received money to release the CD and raised questions on the credibility of his social services, reports ANI. In the complaint, he had accused the BJP MLA of abusing the woman and seeking sexual favours from her in return for a government job, media reports say.
“Since I am into social activism, they approached me with the complaint and the CD and shared all the details. Please investigate the truth of the matter, file a criminal case against the minister and provide protection to the victim,” Kallahalli had told News18 on Tuesday.
Jarkiholi, in the clip, is also allegedly heard saying that Congress leader Siddaramaiah was “good” while Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa “has done too much corruption,” according to India Today.
The 60-year-old MLA from Gokak had resigned from his post following the allegations, a day after the video went viral.