Actor Vineet Kumar Singh, who is known for his work in films like Gangs of Wasseypur and Bombay Talkies, recently got into trouble after struggling to arrange COVID medicines due to shortage. However, Singh’s Wasseypur co-star Pankaj Tripathi came to his rescue. The actor thanked Tripathi and informed about the same on Twitter.
The 36-year-old ailing actor took it to Twitter and wrote, “I am in Banaras, FabiFlu drug is not available in the market, private labs have been unable to perform COVID test for five days.”
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The actor further expressed his anger over the government’s apathy, “What should I give to the sick? Videos of your promises or your huge crowd rally, which you guys are constantly posting? Damn, selfishness blinds all of you. Wake up, the common man is dying.”
Here’s the tweet from the actor:
Few hours later, the actor tweeted again saying that all his family was unwell. But he received the medicines and thanked actor Pankaj Tripathi for helping him and his family.
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He added, “In the movie Gangs of Wasseypur, my character was killed by Sultan played by Tripathi through a bullet, but in real life he has sent me medicines,” ‘goli’ is used for both bullet and medicine in Hindi.
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Vineet’s next movie, Aadhar, was going to hit box office this year, but was postponed due to the ongoing COVID situation. He was last seen with Tripathi in movie Gunjan Saxena along with Janhvi Kapoor.