Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday took potshots at Rahul Gandhi, saying that he is spreading false narratives about the newly-enacted farm laws and also replied to the Congress leader’s ‘Hum 2, humare 2’ jab directed towards the ruling party in Lok Sabha on Friday.
“Who are our cronies? Our cronies are the common ‘janta’ of this country,” FM Sitharaman said in Lok Sabha on Saturday.
She was replying to a debate on the Budget in the Rajya Sabha.
“Where are the cronies? They’re hiding probably in the shadow of that party which has been rejected by the people. The shadows who were invited to even develop a port. They invited, no open tenders, no global tenders,” Sitharaman added.
“‘Hum 2 hamare 2’ is that – we’re 2 people taking care of party & there are 2 other people who I’ve to take care, daughter and damad will take care of that. We don’t do that. Rs 10,000 is given to 50 lakh street traders as working capital for 1 year. They aren’t anyone’s cronies,” the FM further added.
“PM SVANidhi Yojana, for those who are constantly accusing us of dealing with cronies – SVANidhi doesn’t go to cronies. Damads get land in states which are governed by some parties – Rajasthan, Haryana once upon a time,” Sitharaman said.
In her reply to the issues raised by members of the Lok Sabha over the recently-presented Budget, Sitharaman said, “We have managed to bend the curve and as a result the revival of the economy looks a lot more sustainable and this Budget gives the necessary impetus.”
She said her Budget for 2021-22 has provided the highest capex growth of 34.4% by providing more money to railways, roads and defence.